Tuesday, 18 June 2013

as 400 training institutes in hyderabad

Hi All,

Here we are providing online  AS400 Training .

Please contact: messageas400@gmail.com,
Phone no         : +91 9505102186


 As/400 is a special kind of system which was implemented by IBM, Which was incorporated(merging)    with software and hardware.
 The As/400 system was designed especially for developing Bussiness application as well as run that applications.
  As/400 system has it own OS called OS/400 .Database named  as DB2/400 and other programming languages such as rpg3,rpg4,cl/400 etc.
  As/400 is Objecct based technology(or) object based system.
An object is a base unit (or) element and which exists as well as occupies some memory in As/400 server/system on which the Os/400 commands are performed.
àThe examples of objects are….
1)      Library(*lib)
2)      Program(*PGM)
3)      Module(*MODULE)
4)      File(*FILE)
5)      Data Area(*DTAARA)
6)      DataQ(*DTAQ)
7)      Jobq(*JOBQ)
8)      Outq(*OUTQ)
9)      Userprofile(*USRPRF)
10)  Command(*CMD)
11)  Jod description(*JOBD)
12)  Sub system(*SUBSYSYS)
àEvery object in an As/400 system has a unique name as well as object type.
àEvery object is identified by its name and run’s a specific command based on it’s type.
àTo convert RPG3 to RPG4 the command is CVTRPGLE.
        I.            CRTLIB: creating library
     II.            DLTLIB:deleting library
   III.            WRKLIB:work with library.
  IV.            WRKLIBPDM:work with library using pdm
     V.            EDTLIB:edit library
  VI.            CHGLIBL:change library list.
VII.            DSPLIBL:display library list
VIII.            ADDLIBL:add library list entry.
  IX.            RMVLIBLE-removelibrary list entry.
     X.            CHGCURLIB:change current library.


àDB2/400 is a traditional database use in an As/400 System .
àDb2/400 is nothing but a collection of database objects such as source files,physical files,logical files,triggers,stored proccessors.
àIn an As/400 system  there are plenty of files which are all working with the data.which are as follows…
1)      Database files.
2)      Display files
3)      Printer files
4)      Data description management files.
5)      Save files
6)      Interactive  communication system files
7)      Message files.

Database files:
     Types of database files.
        i.            Source physical file
      ii.            Physical file
    iii.            Logical file
    iv.            Field reference file
                                            i.            source physical file:
                  A source physical file is an object of type *file.And it’s source type /attribute is PF-SRC
Which  is use to store the data which is not actually the business data which is a source of all other program files etc.
àSource physival file has a specific record stracture by default when it is created by the command
àthis record stracture is called record format of a file which has three fields namely
a)Source sequence(SRCSEQ):
                  which is a length of 6 joined decimal type with no decimal positions.
b)Source Date(SRCDAT):
                              which is a length of 6 joined decimal type with 2 decimal posions.
c)Source data(SRCDTA):
                              which is a length of 80 characters type. the length of the record of Source physical file is 92 which is equal to the sum of all fields in that record format, But the recommended length is 112 which can be reliable in ILE programs.
                  The data which is restored in source physical file record by record in a particular member with a proper record stricture which follows the record format of source physical file.
                  When source physical file is created no member will be associated with it by default, because one of the parameter of the command CRTSRCPF is member of desired has a value “*none” so no member will be created in.
Record format:
      Record format is nothing but a record stracture in a file through which all records follow this record stracture,record format can be defined by a set fields (or) group of fields it has a control our fields and it also maintains the order of the fields while retrives the data as well as sending the data from file.
Note:for every file in an as/400 system there is at least on erecord format is defined and the record format has an unique name in the file.
      Member is a sub set of data in database fileit is a memory of file where the data is actually stored,the data records which contain the member follows a specific record stracture which defined either record format of a file.
                  In an As/400 system every database file must contain at least one member it can be a maximum of 32,767 except a source physicalfile which design contain any member at file creation .if member is not associated with any database file that file is not allowed to input/output operations.
ii) Physical file:
            physical file is an object of type *file and it’s source type/attribute is PF-DTA which is used to stored the actual Bussiness data.
Ø  Physical file has only one format if does not support for multiple record formats.
Ø  Inorder to create physicalfile either a command CRTPF or F6 or source member option 14 can be used.
Ø  Inorder to execute  CRTPF no definitions required .
Ø  To create PF object with a proper  stpes.
v  Data types
v  Level entries
v  PDM tool(program development manager)
v  DDS(data description specification)

àData types
Ther e are 9 types of data types in database.

àlevel entries
   ---file level                :entries :fifo,fcfo,lifo,ref,unique.
   ---Record format      :Text ,Format
  ---field level              : Alias, check, comp/cmp, colhog, dft, dat sep, ref fld,Text,       Range.Timfmt,timsep,values,allnull
 ---key field level         :Absualute,signed,unsigned,descend.
c)Pdm tool:
                        In an AS/400 System thire is a tool set ADTS(application development tools set) which is IBM supplied tool which hasa lot of tools to define an application among all tools ADTS,PDm is one of them ,PDM has a lot of features and options which helps us to make our life easier in developing and working the application.PDM is started by the start command “STRPDM”
            The tool which used/started by pdm tool as follows.
s.no                              name                            Expanssion                              startcommand
1                                  DFU                             datafileutility                           STRDFU
2                                  SEU                             Sourceentryutility                    STRSEU
3                                  SQl                              stracturequarylanguage                        STRSQL
4                                  QRY/400                     query/400                                STRQRY/WRKQRY
5                                  SDA                             Screendesignaid                       STRSDA
6                                  RLU                             Report layout utility                 STRRLU                     
7                                  ISDB                            interactivesourcedebuger         STRISDB
8                                  FCMU                          file complier &merge utility     STRFCMU.
àIn order to do the input /output  operatins we have the following operations.
a.       UPDDTA
b.      DFU
c.       SQL
d.      QRY/400
e.       RPG3/RPG4
f.       CL/400

                        A LOGICAL FILE  is an object of type *file  and it’s  source type/attribute LF.
-àLogical file does not contain any data it’s just a view on physical file
àA logical file can contain a single record format and more than one record format where as physical file supports only one.
Advantages of logical file:
                        A logical file can be define on a particular physical file to work with the data either in fully or partially.
àA logical file can be define with key fields even though the physical file does not have any keyfields.
àA logical file can be define on obe physical file  or morethan one physical file .

Ø  As/400 is a special kind of system which was implemented by IBM, Which was incorporated(merging) with software and hardware.
Ø  The As/400 system was designed especially for developing Bussiness application as well as run that applications.
Ø  As/400 system has it own OS called OS/400 .Database named  as DB2/400 and other programming languages such as rpg3,rpg4,cl/400 etc.
Ø  As/400 is Objecct based technology(or) object based system.
            An object is a base unit (or) element and which exists as well as occupies some memory in As/400 server/system on which the Os/400 commands are performed.
àThe examples of objects are….
1)      Library(*lib)
2)      Program(*PGM)
3)      Module(*MODULE)
4)      File(*FILE)
5)      Data Area(*DTAARA)
6)      DataQ(*DTAQ)
7)      Jobq(*JOBQ)
8)      Outq(*OUTQ)
9)      Userprofile(*USRPRF)
10)  Command(*CMD)
11)  Jod description(*JOBD)
12)  Sub system(*SUBSYSYS)
àEvery object in an As/400 system has a unique name as well as object type.
àEvery object is identified by its name and run’s a specific command based on it’s type.
àTo convert RPG3 to RPG4 the command is CVTRPGLE.
        I.            CRTLIB: creating library
     II.            DLTLIB:deleting library
   III.            WRKLIB:work with library.
  IV.            WRKLIBPDM:work with library using pdm
     V.            EDTLIB:edit library
  VI.            CHGLIBL:change library list.
VII.            DSPLIBL:display library list
VIII.            ADDLIBL:add library list entry.
  IX.            RMVLIBLE-removelibrary list entry.
     X.            CHGCURLIB:change current library.

àDB2/400 is a traditional database use in an As/400 System .
àDb2/400 is nothing but a collection of database objects such as source files,physical files,logical files,triggers,stored proccessors.
àIn an As/400 system  there are plenty of files which are all working with the data.which are as follows…
1)      Database files.
2)      Display files
3)      Printer files
4)      Data description management files.
5)      Save files
6)      Interactive  communication system files
7)      Message files.

Database files:
     Types of database files.
        i.            Source physical file
      ii.            Physical file
    iii.            Logical file
    iv.            Field reference file
                                            i.            source physical file:
                  A source physical file is an object of type *file.And it’s source type /attribute is PF-SRC
Which  is use to store the data which is not actually the business data which is a source of all other program files etc.
àSource physival file has a specific record stracture by default when it is created by the command
àthis record stracture is called record format of a file which has three fields namely
a)Source sequence(SRCSEQ):
                  which is a length of 6 joined decimal type with no decimal positions.
b)Source Date(SRCDAT):
                              which is a length of 6 joined decimal type with 2 decimal posions.
c)Source data(SRCDTA):
                              which is a length of 80 characters type. the length of the record of Source physical file is 92 which is equal to the sum of all fields in that record format, But the recommended length is 112 which can be reliable in ILE programs.
                  The data which is restored in source physical file record by record in a particular member with a proper record stricture which follows the record format of source physical file.
                  When source physical file is created no member will be associated with it by default, because one of the parameter of the command CRTSRCPF is member of desired has a value “*none” so no member will be created in.
Record format:
      Record format is nothing but a record stracture in a file through which all records follow this record stracture,record format can be defined by a set fields (or) group of fields it has a control our fields and it also maintains the order of the fields while retrives the data as well as sending the data from file.
Note:for every file in an as/400 system there is at least on erecord format is defined and the record format has an unique name in the file.
      Member is a sub set of data in database fileit is a memory of file where the data is actually stored,the data records which contain the member follows a specific record stracture which defined either record format of a file.
                  In an As/400 system every database file must contain at least one member it can be a maximum of 32,767 except a source physicalfile which design contain any member at file creation .if member is not associated with any database file that file is not allowed to input/output operations.
ii) Physical file:
            physical file is an object of type *file and it’s source type/attribute is PF-DTA which is used to stored the actual Bussiness data.
Ø  Physical file has only one format if does not support for multiple record formats.
Ø  Inorder to create physicalfile either a command CRTPF or F6 or source member option 14 can be used.
Ø  Inorder to execute  CRTPF no definitions required .
Ø  To create PF object with a proper  stpes.
v  Data types
v  Level entries
v  PDM tool(program development manager)
v  DDS(data description specification)

àData types
Ther e are 9 types of data types in database.

àlevel entries
   ---file level                :entries :fifo,fcfo,lifo,ref,unique.
   ---Record format      :Text ,Format
  ---field level              : Alias, check, comp/cmp, colhog, dft, dat sep, ref fld,Text,       Range.Timfmt,timsep,values,allnull
 ---key field level         :Absualute,signed,unsigned,descend.
c)Pdm tool:
                        In an AS/400 System thire is a tool set ADTS(application development tools set) which is IBM supplied tool which hasa lot of tools to define an application among all tools ADTS,PDm is one of them ,PDM has a lot of features and options which helps us to make our life easier in developing and working the application.PDM is started by the start command “STRPDM”
            The tool which used/started by pdm tool as follows.
s.no                              name                            Expanssion                              startcommand
1                                  DFU                             datafileutility                           STRDFU
2                                  SEU                             Sourceentryutility                    STRSEU
3                                  SQl                              stracturequarylanguage                        STRSQL
4                                  QRY/400                     query/400                                STRQRY/WRKQRY
5                                  SDA                             Screendesignaid                       STRSDA
6                                  RLU                             Report layout utility                 STRRLU                     
7                                  ISDB                            interactivesourcedebuger         STRISDB
8                                  FCMU                          file complier &merge utility     STRFCMU.
àIn order to do the input /output  operatins we have the following operations.
a.       UPDDTA
b.      DFU
c.       SQL
d.      QRY/400
e.       RPG3/RPG4
f.       CL/400

                        A LOGICAL FILE  is an object of type *file  and it’s  source type/attribute LF.
-àLogical file does not contain any data it’s just a view on physical file
àA logical file can contain a single record format and more than one record format where as physical file supports only one.
Advantages of logical file:
                        A logical file can be define on a particular physical file to work with the data either in fully or partially.
àA logical file can be define with key fields even though the physical file does not have any keyfields.
àA logical file can be define on obe physical file  or morethan one physical file .

 Ø  As/400 is a special kind of system which was implemented by IBM, Which was incorporated(merging) with software and hardware.
Ø  The As/400 system was designed especially for developing Bussiness application as well as run that applications.
Ø  As/400 system has it own OS called OS/400 .Database named  as DB2/400 and other programming languages such as rpg3,rpg4,cl/400 etc.
Ø  As/400 is Objecct based technology(or) object based system.
            An object is a base unit (or) element and which exists as well as occupies some memory in As/400 server/system on which the Os/400 commands are performed.
àThe examples of objects are….
1)      Library(*lib)
2)      Program(*PGM)
3)      Module(*MODULE)
4)      File(*FILE)
5)      Data Area(*DTAARA)
6)      DataQ(*DTAQ)
7)      Jobq(*JOBQ)
8)      Outq(*OUTQ)
9)      Userprofile(*USRPRF)
10)  Command(*CMD)
11)  Jod description(*JOBD)
12)  Sub system(*SUBSYSYS)
àEvery object in an As/400 system has a unique name as well as object type.
àEvery object is identified by its name and run’s a specific command based on it’s type.
àTo convert RPG3 to RPG4 the command is CVTRPGLE.
        I.            CRTLIB: creating library
     II.            DLTLIB:deleting library
   III.            WRKLIB:work with library.
  IV.            WRKLIBPDM:work with library using pdm
     V.            EDTLIB:edit library
  VI.            CHGLIBL:change library list.
VII.            DSPLIBL:display library list
VIII.            ADDLIBL:add library list entry.
  IX.            RMVLIBLE-removelibrary list entry.
     X.            CHGCURLIB:change current library.

àDB2/400 is a traditional database use in an As/400 System .
àDb2/400 is nothing but a collection of database objects such as source files,physical files,logical files,triggers,stored proccessors.
àIn an As/400 system  there are plenty of files which are all working with the data.which are as follows…
1)      Database files.
2)      Display files
3)      Printer files
4)      Data description management files.
5)      Save files
6)      Interactive  communication system files
7)      Message files.

Database files:
     Types of database files.
        i.            Source physical file
      ii.            Physical file
    iii.            Logical file
    iv.            Field reference file
                                            i.            source physical file:
                  A source physical file is an object of type *file.And it’s source type /attribute is PF-SRC
Which  is use to store the data which is not actually the business data which is a source of all other program files etc.
àSource physival file has a specific record stracture by default when it is created by the command
àthis record stracture is called record format of a file which has three fields namely
a)Source sequence(SRCSEQ):
                  which is a length of 6 joined decimal type with no decimal positions.
b)Source Date(SRCDAT):
                              which is a length of 6 joined decimal type with 2 decimal posions.
c)Source data(SRCDTA):
                              which is a length of 80 characters type. the length of the record of Source physical file is 92 which is equal to the sum of all fields in that record format, But the recommended length is 112 which can be reliable in ILE programs.
                  The data which is restored in source physical file record by record in a particular member with a proper record stricture which follows the record format of source physical file.
                  When source physical file is created no member will be associated with it by default, because one of the parameter of the command CRTSRCPF is member of desired has a value “*none” so no member will be created in.
Record format:
      Record format is nothing but a record stracture in a file through which all records follow this record stracture,record format can be defined by a set fields (or) group of fields it has a control our fields and it also maintains the order of the fields while retrives the data as well as sending the data from file.
Note:for every file in an as/400 system there is at least on erecord format is defined and the record format has an unique name in the file.
      Member is a sub set of data in database fileit is a memory of file where the data is actually stored,the data records which contain the member follows a specific record stracture which defined either record format of a file.
                  In an As/400 system every database file must contain at least one member it can be a maximum of 32,767 except a source physicalfile which design contain any member at file creation .if member is not associated with any database file that file is not allowed to input/output operations.
ii) Physical file:
            physical file is an object of type *file and it’s source type/attribute is PF-DTA which is used to stored the actual Bussiness data.
Ø  Physical file has only one format if does not support for multiple record formats.
Ø  Inorder to create physicalfile either a command CRTPF or F6 or source member option 14 can be used.
Ø  Inorder to execute  CRTPF no definitions required .
Ø  To create PF object with a proper  stpes.
v  Data types
v  Level entries
v  PDM tool(program development manager)
v  DDS(data description specification)

àData types
Ther e are 9 types of data types in database.

àlevel entries
   ---file level                :entries :fifo,fcfo,lifo,ref,unique.
   ---Record format      :Text ,Format
  ---field level              : Alias, check, comp/cmp, colhog, dft, dat sep, ref fld,Text,       Range.Timfmt,timsep,values,allnull
 ---key field level         :Absualute,signed,unsigned,descend.
c)Pdm tool:
                        In an AS/400 System thire is a tool set ADTS(application development tools set) which is IBM supplied tool which hasa lot of tools to define an application among all tools ADTS,PDm is one of them ,PDM has a lot of features and options which helps us to make our life easier in developing and working the application.PDM is started by the start command “STRPDM”
            The tool which used/started by pdm tool as follows.
s.no                              name                            Expanssion                              startcommand
1                                  DFU                             datafileutility                           STRDFU
2                                  SEU                             Sourceentryutility                    STRSEU
3                                  SQl                              stracturequarylanguage                        STRSQL
4                                  QRY/400                     query/400                                STRQRY/WRKQRY
5                                  SDA                             Screendesignaid                       STRSDA
6                                  RLU                             Report layout utility                 STRRLU                     
7                                  ISDB                            interactivesourcedebuger         STRISDB
8                                  FCMU                          file complier &merge utility     STRFCMU.
àIn order to do the input /output  operatins we have the following operations.
a.       UPDDTA
b.      DFU
c.       SQL
d.      QRY/400
e.       RPG3/RPG4
f.       CL/400

                        A LOGICAL FILE  is an object of type *file  and it’s  source type/attribute LF.
-àLogical file does not contain any data it’s just a view on physical file
àA logical file can contain a single record format and more than one record format where as physical file supports only one.
Advantages of logical file:
                        A logical file can be define on a particular physical file to work with the data either in fully or partially.
àA logical file can be define with key fields even though the physical file does not have any keyfields.
àA logical file can be define on obe physical file  or morethan one physical file .

 Ø  As/400 is a special kind of system which was implemented by IBM, Which was incorporated(merging) with software and hardware.
Ø  The As/400 system was designed especially for developing Bussiness application as well as run that applications.
Ø  As/400 system has it own OS called OS/400 .Database named  as DB2/400 and other programming languages such as rpg3,rpg4,cl/400 etc.
Ø  As/400 is Objecct based technology(or) object based system.
            An object is a base unit (or) element and which exists as well as occupies some memory in As/400 server/system on which the Os/400 commands are performed.
àThe examples of objects are….
1)      Library(*lib)
2)      Program(*PGM)
3)      Module(*MODULE)
4)      File(*FILE)
5)      Data Area(*DTAARA)
6)      DataQ(*DTAQ)
7)      Jobq(*JOBQ)
8)      Outq(*OUTQ)
9)      Userprofile(*USRPRF)
10)  Command(*CMD)
11)  Jod description(*JOBD)
12)  Sub system(*SUBSYSYS)
àEvery object in an As/400 system has a unique name as well as object type.
àEvery object is identified by its name and run’s a specific command based on it’s type.
àTo convert RPG3 to RPG4 the command is CVTRPGLE.
        I.            CRTLIB: creating library
     II.            DLTLIB:deleting library
   III.            WRKLIB:work with library.
  IV.            WRKLIBPDM:work with library using pdm
     V.            EDTLIB:edit library
  VI.            CHGLIBL:change library list.
VII.            DSPLIBL:display library list
VIII.            ADDLIBL:add library list entry.
  IX.            RMVLIBLE-removelibrary list entry.
     X.            CHGCURLIB:change current library.

àDB2/400 is a traditional database use in an As/400 System .
àDb2/400 is nothing but a collection of database objects such as source files,physical files,logical files,triggers,stored proccessors.
àIn an As/400 system  there are plenty of files which are all working with the data.which are as follows…
1)      Database files.
2)      Display files
3)      Printer files
4)      Data description management files.
5)      Save files
6)      Interactive  communication system files
7)      Message files.

Database files:
     Types of database files.
        i.            Source physical file
      ii.            Physical file
    iii.            Logical file
    iv.            Field reference file
                                            i.            source physical file:
                  A source physical file is an object of type *file.And it’s source type /attribute is PF-SRC
Which  is use to store the data which is not actually the business data which is a source of all other program files etc.
àSource physival file has a specific record stracture by default when it is created by the command
àthis record stracture is called record format of a file which has three fields namely
a)Source sequence(SRCSEQ):
                  which is a length of 6 joined decimal type with no decimal positions.
b)Source Date(SRCDAT):
                              which is a length of 6 joined decimal type with 2 decimal posions.
c)Source data(SRCDTA):
                              which is a length of 80 characters type. the length of the record of Source physical file is 92 which is equal to the sum of all fields in that record format, But the recommended length is 112 which can be reliable in ILE programs.
                  The data which is restored in source physical file record by record in a particular member with a proper record stricture which follows the record format of source physical file.
                  When source physical file is created no member will be associated with it by default, because one of the parameter of the command CRTSRCPF is member of desired has a value “*none” so no member will be created in.
Record format:
      Record format is nothing but a record stracture in a file through which all records follow this record stracture,record format can be defined by a set fields (or) group of fields it has a control our fields and it also maintains the order of the fields while retrives the data as well as sending the data from file.
Note:for every file in an as/400 system there is at least on erecord format is defined and the record format has an unique name in the file.
      Member is a sub set of data in database fileit is a memory of file where the data is actually stored,the data records which contain the member follows a specific record stracture which defined either record format of a file.
                  In an As/400 system every database file must contain at least one member it can be a maximum of 32,767 except a source physicalfile which design contain any member at file creation .if member is not associated with any database file that file is not allowed to input/output operations.
ii) Physical file:
            physical file is an object of type *file and it’s source type/attribute is PF-DTA which is used to stored the actual Bussiness data.
Ø  Physical file has only one format if does not support for multiple record formats.
Ø  Inorder to create physicalfile either a command CRTPF or F6 or source member option 14 can be used.
Ø  Inorder to execute  CRTPF no definitions required .
Ø  To create PF object with a proper  stpes.
v  Data types
v  Level entries
v  PDM tool(program development manager)
v  DDS(data description specification)

àData types
Ther e are 9 types of data types in database.

àlevel entries
   ---file level                :entries :fifo,fcfo,lifo,ref,unique.
   ---Record format      :Text ,Format
  ---field level              : Alias, check, comp/cmp, colhog, dft, dat sep, ref fld,Text,       Range.Timfmt,timsep,values,allnull
 ---key field level         :Absualute,signed,unsigned,descend.
c)Pdm tool:
                        In an AS/400 System thire is a tool set ADTS(application development tools set) which is IBM supplied tool which hasa lot of tools to define an application among all tools ADTS,PDm is one of them ,PDM has a lot of features and options which helps us to make our life easier in developing and working the application.PDM is started by the start command “STRPDM”
            The tool which used/started by pdm tool as follows.
s.no                              name                            Expanssion                              startcommand
1                                  DFU                             datafileutility                           STRDFU
2                                  SEU                             Sourceentryutility                    STRSEU
3                                  SQl                              stracturequarylanguage                        STRSQL
4                                  QRY/400                     query/400                                STRQRY/WRKQRY
5                                  SDA                             Screendesignaid                       STRSDA
6                                  RLU                             Report layout utility                 STRRLU                     
7                                  ISDB                            interactivesourcedebuger         STRISDB
8                                  FCMU                          file complier &merge utility     STRFCMU.
àIn order to do the input /output  operatins we have the following operations.
a.       UPDDTA
b.      DFU
c.       SQL
d.      QRY/400
e.       RPG3/RPG4
f.       CL/400

                        A LOGICAL FILE  is an object of type *file  and it’s  source type/attribute LF.
-àLogical file does not contain any data it’s just a view on physical file
àA logical file can contain a single record format and more than one record format where as physical file supports only one.
Advantages of logical file:
                        A logical file can be define on a particular physical file to work with the data either in fully or partially.
àA logical file can be define with key fields even though the physical file does not have any keyfields.
àA logical file can be define on obe physical file  or morethan one physical file .